Band Saw
Band Saw
Purpose: The band saw is used for making precise cuts in various materials.
Safety Instructions:
Wear safety glasses.
Wear fitted clothing. Confine long hair.
Ensure all guards are in place and are operating properly.
Adjust the blade guard so it is about ½” above the surface of the material you are trying to cut.
Always have the guard in place over the blade.
Stand in front of the machine and feed the board in a manner that will not overload the machine. DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE FORCE.
Keep your hands away from the cut line.
Keep your hands at least 5” away from the cutter head when using the machine.
Hold the stock firmly and flat on the table.
Use a push block to remove material from the saw blade.
Make a series of RELIEF cuts when cutting tight curves.
If you need to stop cutting, hold the stock firmly, shut the machine off, and wait for the blade to stop moving.
Keep the floor and table around the machine clear and clean.